It’s really weird staring at code that you wrote literally 10 years ago and both wondering what in the world you were thinking at the time and yet also being kind of impressed by what you managed to come up with given what you knew at the time!
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It always pains me to see documentation left as an aside or an afterthought for any development project, yet I totally get why it happens because I do it far too often myself! You really have to make it part of your process and not something that maybe you’ll circle back to later if you have time … which you never do.
That said, I really like this methodology that I just read in a blog post by Sara Rosso from Automattic…
Work as though you’re constantly training your replacement: document, explain, and be as public as possible with decisions / discussions – leave a trace! Your colleagues will appreciate it, your team can learn and grow because of it, and you’ll (most likely) still have a job. 😮 😀 😉
Scott 4:37 pm on July 12, 2018 Permalink |
And of course, the challenge is – how do I write this better knowing what I know now???