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  • Scott 3:23 pm on May 3, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: business, customer experience, customer service, work   

    Every day presents a new opportunity to reinforce to a customer why they chose your product or service. – Jeremy DuVall

    I really enjoyed this blog post from Jeremy today because I’m a firm believer that if you’re not constantly working to improve your customers’ experience, you’re passively losing them.

    Digital examples of this stand out to me all of the time…

    • Frontier’s website is awful. I used to be able to browse prices and deals for upgrades on Verizon’s site whenever I wanted, but once Frontier bought out FiOS, everything shifted to their website and now I can’t even see prices without calling their 800-number. Also, for some reason their website thinks I speak Spanish and I have to translate it back to English to make my payments.
    • Glassdoor’s app sometimes doesn’t remember my login credentials, so it asks me to re-enter them when I want to do a simple task like sort a list of reviews by date.
    • Winn-Dixie just “upgraded” their pharmacy app and even though they added a feature to refill from a list of your prescriptions, it doesn’t work and instead now you have to enter the RX numbers one by one.

    None of these things alone are enough to drive me away … but they’re enough to plant that seed in the back of my mind so that if an alternative comes along, my first thought about any of these guys is more likely to be something negative instead of a reason why I chose them in the first place.

    Business 101 – You want your customers to think happy thoughts about your company when faced with your competition.

  • Scott 11:22 am on May 2, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , documentation, engineering, process improvement, work   

    It always pains me to see documentation left as an aside or an afterthought for any development project, yet I totally get why it happens because I do it far too often myself! You really have to make it part of your process and not something that maybe you’ll circle back to later if you have time … which you never do.

    That said, I really like this methodology that I just read in a blog post by Sara Rosso from Automattic…

    Work as though you’re constantly training your replacement: document, explain, and be as public as possible with decisions / discussions – leave a trace! Your colleagues will appreciate it, your team can learn and grow because of it, and you’ll (most likely) still have a job. 😮 😀 😉

  • Scott 9:11 pm on May 1, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: amazon, human rights, work   

    This isn’t the first time that complaints have been raised about Amazon harboring unsafe working conditions in its distribution centers…

    Undercover author finds Amazon warehouse workers in UK ‘peed in bottles’ over fears of being punished for taking a break

    The “being timed to pee” sounds over the top, but keep in mind that a lot of punch-the-clock-type jobs time employees down to the second for their two 15-minute breaks each day … and that’s just what takes place systematically. During my call center days, it may not have been an official policy, but we definitely had times when supervisors would keep a tally of employees that they thought were taking too long in the restroom.

    I mean, it’s understandable – when you work a crappy job, hiding out in the bathroom is a great way to kill some time!

    Regardless, with Amazon’s drive to be the king of shipping & distribution … especially when they’re tracking every minute detail, their model is going to support this kind of behavior and they need to act aggressively to root it out if it does stem from middle management because not for nothing but that survey where Amazon is ranked among the best places to work?

    I’d bet money that’s considering their thousands of people who don’t run around on their feet filling Prime orders all day.

    I hope that they do get their act in gear because I love Amazon and I’d hate to see this become yet another 21st century example of exploiting a group of people who are desperate enough for work that they’ll allow their basic rights to be taken advantage of… 🙁

  • Scott 1:37 pm on April 25, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: commuting sucks, productivity, , work   

    A 30-minute commute to work costs a person 20 hours a month in lost time.

    That’s six 40-hour work weeks wasted driving back and forth to the office each year!

    Just think of what you could do with an extra month and a half of productive time every year…

  • Scott 2:01 pm on April 22, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , meaning in life, , work   

    The most dangerous tradition we hold about work is that it must be serious and meaningless. We believe that we’re paid money to compensate us for work not worthwhile on its own. People who are paid the most are often the most confused, for they know in their hearts how little meaning there is in what they do, for others and for themselves. While money provides status, status doesn’t guarantee meaning. They’re paid well because of how poorly work compensates their souls.

    Scott Berkun, The Year Without Pants: WordPress.com and the Future of Work
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